Friday, October 14, 2005

Getting away from it all

Between the 8th straight day of rain here in the city and and a rush of deadlines and last-minute emergencies at work, I definitely could use a change of scenery. So in about 6 hours, I'm shutting down the computer, stuffing my gear in a backpack, and heading to a state park about 3 hours away in north-eastern Pennsylvania to go camping with friends.

Tomorrow we're going to hike about 8 miles on a trail that runs along 22 waterfalls. I'll try to bring a camera to snap some of the highlights. I grew up in north-central PA and used to camp there when I was a kid, so it'll be interesting to see if it's the same as I remember it. It'll be good to unplug from technology for a little bit and unwind. Hope your weekends are just as fulfilling, and I'll see you on Monday.