Friday, December 23, 2005

tag, you're it...

I had been tagged by LadyLongfellow to list 5 weird habits about myself, so not wanting to incur a horrible blog curse by breaking the chain, I set to work...

Here are the rules;

“The first player of this game starts with the topic. “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged. "

1.) I need caffeine in the morning to get going, but generally don't like coffee. So I will drink about six cans of diet soda before lunch, but I have to alternate between diet Coke and diet Pepsi each time.

2.) Whenever I climb into a bed with the sheets all tucked in, I have to kick and push them loose. I can't fall asleep if my feet and legs are all scrunched in...

3.) Ever since a really bad case of food poisoning several years ago, I won't eat any leftovers beyond the first night in the fridge. It wouldn't matter if the food was inspected and certified by the Food & Drug Administration and the Homeland Security Biohazard Unit--it's still going in the trash at the end of day two.

4.) I love to read but have found that I just can't read two books at the same time. It doesn't matter if it's the suckiest book ever written--I have to slog through to the end before I can begin reading the next book.

5.) This last one isn't weird, except in the sense that I haven't written about it before in over three months of blogging. I have a thirteen-year old son, Brendan, whom I've raised on my own since he was three when his mom passed away ten years ago.

Well, those are the top five...and I'm sure that I could continue to go on listing things for awhile.

Since it took me some time to get around to posting this, it looks like alot of people have already been tagged and went on to tag others. So I won't tag anybody at this point, but feel free to copy and paste the rules at the top and start tagging on your own...